The Nationwide Database is a compilation of criminal records from all participating cities, counties, department of corrections and sex offender registries among the United States. This service is performed because the SSN trace and county criminal searches only investigate where the applicant currently lives and past addresses. The nationwide database search allows us to search an expansive area, and thus increasing our criminal record hit ratio by 20%.
We conduct a search through each of the public county records for every county the applicant has lived in within the last 7 years. It is important to search the individual counties directly because their information is updated daily, whereas the Nationwide Database is updated monthly. There is the potential to miss new case information if a county criminal search is not performed.
Not all states have this capability, but 24 states do. This allows a search of the entire state rather than just an individual county. When available, we will always search the entire state to give our clients as much information as possible. Please inquire for a list of statewide capable searches.
This is a database compiled of only federal criminal records. These include, though are not exclusive to, cases such as trafficking drugs across state lines, kidnapping, and committing violent crimes in multiple states.
We use a Nationwide Sex Offender Registry search. This allows us to search all 50 state sex offender registries at once. Though a sex offender is supposed to re-register when they move to a new state, they don't always follow those terms.
48 states have searchable department of corrections. Some states only allow us to search current inmates in a prison, other states allow us to search anyone on probation or parole, and other states allow us to see the entirety of records in the department of corrections. Inquire for specifics.
This is a rarely used search. It allows us to track someone's probation who moves from one jurisdiction to another.
This allows us to access the following lists: